A personal loan referral program is a fantastic source of passive income. It can help you cover unplanned expenses so you do not have to touch your savings. The money earned can be used to clear a debt, take care of an ageing parent or for charity. In short, you or your family do not have to reset financial goals for budget issues. The whole process is online which saves paperwork. Tick off the eligibility criteria, sign up for the program and sit through a training session with mentors. Now you can start referring personal loans between ₹20,000 and ₹40 lakhs for 6 months to 60 months. They can use the funds for almost all purposes. Below are the benefits of the referral service.
Significant Income
Become a loan agent, dedicate some time every day and earn a decent income. IDFC FIRST Bank MyFIRST Partner Program offers 1.5% of the disbursed amount. You get a chance to earn more than ₹50,000 per month when your friends take a personal loan. Refer used car loan, business loan or savings account as well. Altogether, you can earn above ₹1 lakh in a month. The payment is made on a weekly basis directly to your bank account. No investment is required which makes it even more convenient.
Earn On the Go
One benefit of a loan referral service is that it can be done from anywhere. No dedicated time or space is required to earn money. Spare some time at home, in your workplace or even while travelling. Download the app, register yourself and get started. Inform your friends about the loan and help them with my first loan application. The bank executive can take care of the rest of the work. You will receive a digital ID that to track your case and stay updated.
Alternate Career Option
Refer the personal loan referral program to your friends as much as possible. Over time you get highly confident in handling clients. Your conversational and negotiation skills are polished. You are able to sell better too. A refer and earn service can then gradually be your primary source of income. It is reliable, risk-free and ideal for housewives, students, retired people and anyone who wishes for a steady income. The more you refer, the more you earn without any upper limit. The income will depend on your consistency and hard work.
Upgrade your Lifestyle
Become a loan partner in India but not just to fulfil essential needs. You can also consider going for vacations, shopping from your favourite stores, renovating your home, investing in mutual funds and buying your dream vehicle. Improve your lifestyle by referring the personal loan to your friend. This side hustle can make a significant difference when it comes to getting treated at big hospitals, sending your kids to better schools and hiring a house help.
IDFC FIRST Bank offers an excellent opportunity to refer a loan and earn money. Check out the eligibility criteria beforehand to make sure you are a good fit.